Saturday, April 4, 2009

France, Day Eight.

Today? We chilled.
And that's basically it.
Erin, Oriane and I (along with her parents, too, of course), all went to Oriane's mother's friend's house for lunch. Then Oriane, Erin and I all went to the park and met up with a group of kids. Then we went to dinner at Oriane's grandparents house.
...And that's basically it.

There are like, 398457329854 cops everywhere. And riots.
But we're pretty much safe from all of that.
So. Don't panic, mmk?
Obama is gone, and the cops are keeping the riots under control.
Most are just on the French/German border, anyways.
Which is a little ways away from where I am staying.
So, I'm safe. 17,000 cops is enough to keep me safe, I do believe.

P.S. -- MOM. DAD. Yeah, you're basically never on Skype when I am, because I can never be on at the same times as you. Things change on a daily basis here, SORRY! The internet is whacked out, due to crap from the NATO riots, ect. At least that's what my host family has been telling me. With all of the chaos between the NATO riots, and the Obama stuff, internet, TV, and phone have all been a little whack. There are cops, and helicopters basically everywhere, and you hear sirens every 3 minutes from cops patrolling the city. So, don't worry. I'm good. OH! And go to wwayTV3 website. They did a report on the Cape Fear Global Club trip. Check it out.


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